Vacation rentals

April 17, 2024

Vacation rental trends 2024: don't miss out!

The Vacation rental trends for 2024 really makes travelling tempting. There is one in particular you do not want to miss, to stay away for a long time. Many people still work remotely, but that doesn’t mean that you have to work from home. Why not work remotely but somewhere else? Maybe even another country? This is exactly what people believe will be this year's big thing.

Who would rather not sit in airy clothes, with an ice-cold freshly squeezed juice and look out over the pool when working? Or just have a different environment as a background at all Skype meetings, it can be quite refreshing.

Importance of information

The shadow of the pandemic is refusing to leave. We've started to travel more and even doing longer trips, both in distance and in time. To travel safe is everything now, and we are adapting to that more and more. The traveling itself is covered by many restrictions, but hosts of vacation rentals have started to know how to make guests to feel safe. That feeling of being safe and protected is something that begins even before booking. One of the trends now is simply to choose a vacation rental that feels safe. One has everything to win by presenting online how hard one works at reducing the risk.

To make another place to feel like home

Short-term housing in a new country has become really trendy. Many large travel magazines predict that more people will invest in it in 2024. Now that the digital ways of working and communicating have become common for us, it has also made it easier to work remotely. This means that it has become easier to extend the holiday abroad, or to stay in another country and work for a slightly longer period. In fact, it is also good from a sustainability point of view that you travel on fewer occasions, by staying away for longer. What people are talking about now is co-working spaces, preferably close to accommodation, or maybe even in the accommodation!

The rental renaissance

The short-term rental renaissance continues to grow in both domestic and international bookings. It's not only in hotels that the demand has increased but also vacation rentals. Both will benefit from it and the convergence between the two will continue. Short-term rentals found a smart business in adding digital concierge services and working spaces to make their listings more attractive not only for vacationers but for workers too.

More focus on communication

A good start for property managers is to look over the tech stacks and social media content, if there are any – if not it would be a great start to create a plan. It's all about providing the next-level guest communication. Guests need to have all the information they could possibly want to take a decision and then to book. Due to the uncertainty Covid-19 comes with, guests will need more information than ever. Meaning lots of focus should be on the presentation of the properties with photos, amenities etc.

With everything we have mentioned with Vacation rental trends 2024 in mind, there is a good chance of being successful in 2024.